Through donations and volunteer work, Lincoln House Outreach was created and has brought support, encouragement and vital services to our “303” community.
303 for life
Lincoln House Outreach was started by a group that was not so senior at the time, and had the foresight to plan ahead for their future living arrangements, Through donations and volunteer work, Lincoln House Outreach was created and has brought support, encouragement and vital services to our “303” community. It began as a resource for older shareholders to make it possible to age in place, gracefully and economically. In fact, our building is the blueprint of how this works in NYC and is a model to many other communities. As our community aged we became eligible for additional funding as a NORC (Naturally Occurring Retirement Community) and built staff and additional services. Outreach had the formal support of JASA in the early days and later DOROT.
There are countless stories of seniors 85+ in our building who are self-reliant, independent and active in our community. Then there are those that are not as fortunate and others that need assistance with daily living. The prospect of “going it alone” is difficult and social isolation can cause stress and decline, and not just among the elderly. People of all ages can use guidance and nurturing. Reconnecting our generations with activities ties us together and is a big part of our history and what we continue to do today. Today, our demographics have changed adding new young families, children, teens, and young adults participating in activities that enrich our lives and bring us all together.
This is what makes Lincoln House Outreach so special.
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Donate to Lincoln House Outreach to help us continue the wonderful work that we do. Cash or check accepted at this time made out to "Lincoln House Outreach." Thank you!